The UNM Campus Observatory will be open 9:30 am-2 pm on Monday August 21, 2017, and the public is welcome to come look at the Sun through our telescope, equipped with a filter. We will have a limited amount of viewing glasses available during the event.
THERE IS NO SPECIFIC EVENT PARKING AVAILABLE for this open house event, and to park at the parking structure right outside the Campus Observatory you would need an M-lot parking pass. The best way is to find a pay-lot parking space in a nearby parking structure and walk to the Observatory.
Members of the Department of Physics and Astronomy will be around to answer any questions you might have about the eclipse. You can recognize these people by them wearing name tags.
Albuquerque is not in the path of totality, but we will display NASA's streamed event of the total eclipse. You can also view the event on your smartphone or tablet to view the eclipse.