News from the Chair

Easwar Anand Narayanan has been awarded the Chateaubriand Fellowship

Chateaubriand Fellowship

UNM Physics graduate student Easwar Anand Narayanan has been awarded the Chateaubriand Fellowship to participate in a research program offered by the Embassy of France.

Easwar Narayanan
Easwar Narayanan

Easwar will relocate for 9 months to the Irene-Joliot Curie Laboratory in Paris where he will develop new detectors for operation at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland.   These detectors will be used to search for new physical processes that may transform our understanding of elementary particles, the building blocks of nature.

Easwar was selected for the Sigma Xi Outstanding Graduate Researcher Award last year.

Congratulations, Easwar!

About the Chateaubriand Fellowship

Chateaubriand fellows are selected through a merit-based competition, with expert evaluation in France and in the United States.  Approximately 45 STEM graduate students and 15 humanities graduate students are selected for it annually from applicants across the US.