News from the Chair

CQuIC receives award in new NSF Quantum Leaps Challenge Institute

Image of Entanglement
(Artist’s rendition of quantum entanglement. Credit: Nicolle R. Fuller/NSF)

CQuIC is excited to be part of the newly created center entitled “Quantum Systems through Entangled Science and Engineering (Q-SEnSE)” one of three Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes (QLCI) inaugurated by the National Science Foundation.  

These QLCI are central to advancing the United States National Quantum Initiative (NQI).  Q-SEnSE, led by the Cubit quantum initiative at the University of Colorado Boulder will focus on the development of next generations quantum sensors and metrology through a series of “grand challenges.”  They include how exotic quantum phenomena, such as quantum entanglement, will advance new frontiers in measurement science; how quantum sensing can help researchers to discover new fundamental physics; and how researchers can turn those advancements into real-world technologies.  The Q-SEnSE team includes researchers from seven Universities:  CU Boulder, Delaware, Harvard, MIT, Oregon, Stanford, & UNM as well as four National Laboratories:  Los Alamos, MIT-Lincoln Labs, NIST, & Sandia.   

CQuIC researchers will pursue fundamental research to understand how one can harness quantum complexity for metrological advantage and apply this in next-generation experimental platforms.  CQuIC will also play a central role in Quantum Information Science (QIS) education and workforce development.  CQuIC, through Q-SEnSE, and the other NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes will tackle the goals of the NQI head on: addressing basic research in QIS, expanding the number of researchers, educators and students with training in QIS and promoting the development and inclusion of multidisciplinary curriculum and research opportunities for QIS at the undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral level. 

See the article on the CQuIC website.