News from the Chair

Deutsch receives APS Five Sigma Physicist Award

Ivan DeutschIn April, 2019, the American Physical Society (APS) awarded Regents' Professor and CQuIC Director, Ivan Deutsch the APS Five Sigma Physicist Award, "a pin awarded to APS members who exhibit outstanding advocacy work in addressing science policy issues." 

Prof. Deutsch was selected as an award recipient because of his "multiple advocacy actions" and communication with the APS Office of Government Affairs throughout the year.  Prof. Deutsch's service was especially impactful in:

  • Meeting with U.S. Senator Tom Udall's staff concerning problematic language in the original National Quantum Initiative (NQI) Act
  • Stating a willingness to volunteer for additional meetings to ensure that language in the NQI did not negatively impact other research programs

His advocacy contributes "a vital role" how the public views the (APS) discipline. 

See the APS article.