This is the place where the tentative schedule containing the dates when topics are covered in class, reading assignments, homework assignments, and tests will be posted.  I will update this regularly, adding assignments several lectures ahead of time._

Note that there are 2 types of homework assignments, Mastering Physics (MP), and written (WR).  The MP homeworks are to be finished by 9:40 AM of the day they are due.  These count towards your grade unless explicitly noted._ The written homeworks are NOT to be handed in (they do not count towards your grade) but they are equally important and you will be responsible for having done these (for example, it is fair game to give test questions based on these homeworks)._ In Mastering Physics, always answer numerical questions with 3 significant figures unless the problem specifically requests that you do otherwise._ CAUTION:  Do not wait until the last minute to work and submit your Mastering Physics homework.  It is a computer based system.  Things go wrong with computers.  I will not accept "computer problems" as an excuse for not being able to submit Mastering Physics homework on time.  


Date Due 

Reading Assignment/ 
Topics discussed that day

Homework Assignment 

MP = Mastering Physics 
WR = Written, but not handed in

M, 20 AUG:

Intro to course._ Reading: class syllabus._


W, 22 AUG:

Reading: class syllabus, read Chap 21, sections 1-5

Purchase and register a keypad. 

Register for Mastering Physics.

MP hw #1 (not graded)

F, 24 AUG:

Reading: Chap 21, section 6, Chap 22, sections 1-4

MP: hw #2

M, 27 AUG:

Reading: Chap 22, sections 3-5

MP: hw #3

W, 29 AUG:


MP: hw #4 (due the 30th)

F, 31 AUG:


MP: hw #5 (due the 1st of Sep)

M, 3 SEP

Labor day


W, 5 SEP


MP: hw #6

F, 7 SEP


MP: hw #7

M, 10 SEP

TEST 1 covering material from Chaps 21-22

W, 12 SEP

Reading: Chap 23.1

 MP: hw #8

F, 14 SEP

Reading: Chap 23.2, 23.3

 MP: hw #9

M, 17 SEP

Reading:  Chap 23.4

 MP: hw #10 (Hint for problem 22: "x" is much larger than "a" but it is not infinite.)

W, 19 SEP

Reading: Read 24.1 and 24.2

MP: hw #11.  Hints:  One of the problems has a battery.  Don't worry about how a battery

works, in the problem it is what causes the E field.  That is all you have to know to work the

problem.  In another problem, (Relationship between......) point C is closer to the 60 V

surface than point B. 

F, 21 SEP

Reading: Read 24.3 and 24.4

MP: hw #12

M, 24 SEP

Reading: 25.1 through 25.4

MP: hw#13

W, 26 SEP

Reading: 26.1, 26.2

MP: hw#14

F, 28 SEP

Reading: 26.5


M, 1 OCT

Reading: 26.4

MP:hw#16 (due Tuesday midnight)

W, 3 OCT

Reading: 27.1-27.4

MP: hw#17 (due Thursday midnight)

F, 5 OCT

Reading: 27.5

M, 8 OCT

TEST 2 (click equation sheet for equations which will be given to you on the cover sheet)

Covering material from Chaps 23-26 covered in the course

W, 10 OCT


M, 15 OCT

Reading: 27.6, 27.7

MP: hw#18

W, 17 OCT

Reading: 27.9, 28.4, 28.6(omit sections 28.1, 28.2)

MP: hw#19 (due midnight)

F, 19 OCT

Reading: 28.3, 28.5, 28.7

MP: hw#20 (due midnight)

M, 22 OCT


MP:hw#21 (due midnight)

W, 24 OCT

Reading: Chap 29.1, 29.2, 29.3

MP:hw#22 (due Thursday midnight)

F, 26 OCT


MP:hw#23 (due Saturday midnight)

M, 29 OCT

Reading: Chap 29.4, 29.5, 29.6

MP:hw#24 (due Tuesday 10AM)

W, 31 OCT


MP:hw#25 (due Thursday 10AM)

F, 2 NOV

Reading: Chap 29.7


M, 5 NOV


MP:hw#26 (due 9AM)

W, 7 NOV



F, 9 NOV

TEST 3 (click equation sheet for equations which will be given to you on the cover sheet)

Covering material from Chaps 27-29 covered in the course

M, 12 NOV

Reading for this week: Chap 17, sections 1-6

No homework

W, 14 NOV

See Monday’s reading assignment

No homework

F, 16 NOV

See Monday’s reading assignment

MP: hw#27 (due midnight)




F, 14 DEC