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Interiors of Black Holes and their Cauchy Horizons

Over the last twenty-five years, or so, there has been considerable controversy concerning what might really happen inside the horizon of a ``black hole,'' and also whether or not the Cauchy horizon that (usually) lies inside there is actually a stable piece of the geometry or would disappear [becoming changed into a singularity (?)] in a more physical situation than the one envisioned in the black-hole geometry, where we are ignoring all conceivable "back-reaction" on the metric due to the "test" particles.
Recall that the (outer) horizon is a place where the rr-component of the metric vanishes. Inside that horizon the former radial tangent vector becomes timelike. The "Cauchy horizon" is basically the place inside that horizon where that tangent vector again vanishes, and then again becomes spacelike after one has passed through this (second) horizon.
This page lists some references, sorted a very little bit by type. The references vary from published journal articles through simply online, electronic files. Some of the journal articles may also be accessed online; try and see.

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Last updated/modified: 21 June, 1999